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Spring, 2024, Emeritus Beginner Jewelry Class

Class Title: ART E80, Section 9732
Class Time: Thursdays, 2pm-4:15pm
Click on underlined tools & materials listed below to go to corresponding purchasing pages.

Week 1, 2/15/24, Nylon-Covered Wire Project #3: Single-Strand, Nylon-Covered Wire Necklace w/Crimp Beads OR Face Mask Holder

Important Note: Due to a technical mistake I made, the 2/25/24 Beginner Jewelry class was not recorded. So I'm posting a recording of a class from last Fall, 2023, when I taught the same lesson. All future classes this semester will be recorded properly.
Materials Needed:
.018" Beadalon nylon-covered wire (length of necklace, plus 12 extra inches)
Asst. beads, including 8 small beads w/lg. holes, for the ends of the necklace
(2) 2mm.x2mm. crimp beads
NCW Project #30: Eyeglass Holders or Face Mask Holder
Week 2, 2/22/24: NO CLASS/SUSAN ABSENT
Week 3, 2/29/24: Memory Wire Project #2: 3-Coil Memory Wire Bracelet
Materials Needed:
3 ½ coils bracelet-size memory wire
About 21" of asst. beads
Notes about beads: Don’t use long, tubular or oval beads because they won’t go around the curve of the wire. Also, avoid too many heavy beads.
Tools Needed:
Memory wire cutter
Round-nose pliers
Important: Do not use your regular cutters on Memory Wire!
Stretch Magic Projects #1 & #367, Single-Strand Stretch Magic Bracelet with 4 Different Endings
Stretch Magic Bracelet
Materials Needed:
14” of .7mm. Stretch Magic elastic cord
7-8" of asst. beads
G-S Hypo Cement
4mm. crimp cover
Hanging bail
Large-hole bead
Small, heavy jump ring (Susan’s #14)
Bead caps (optional)
Tools Needed:
Bead Stopper Clip
2 Pairs of Chain-nose pliers

Week 4, 3/7/24, NCW Project #20, Single-Strand or Multi-Strand, Floating Design Nylon-Covered Wire Necklace with Crimp Beads

Click here for Floating Design Necklace handout.

Link to Zoom recording of 3/7/24 Beginner Jewelry class.
Materials Needed
For Single-Strand Necklace:
1 yard of Nylon-Covered Wire/Beading Wire (.014” - .015” width)
About 10-12” of assorted beads, plus:
               About 4” of beads with holes large enough to fit 2 strands of wire
                About 24 tiny seed beads (size 10 or 11)
About 12 small or medium crimp beads (from 1mm.x1mm. to 2mm.x2mm.)
Clasp set
2 regular crimp beads (2mmx2mm)                                                        

For 3-Strand Necklace:
3 yards of Nylon-Covered Wire/Beading Wire (.014” - .015” width)
About 32” of assorted beads, plus:
               About 4” of beads with holes large enough to fit 6 strands of wire
               About 72 tiny seed beads (size 10 or 11)
About 36 small or medium crimp beads (from 1mm.x1mm. to 2mm.x2mm.)
2 regular crimp beads (2mmx2mm)   

Tools Needed
Medium/Standard crimping pliers
Chain-nose pliers
3 Bead Stopper Clips

Week 5, 3/14/24, Craft Wire Projects #18 & 19: Wire Looping for Earrings, Necklaces and Bracelets on Head-pins & Wire

Week 6, 3/21/24, No Class: Susan Absent

Week 7, 3/28/24, Cord Project #9: Necklace Strung on Bead Cord, w/Bead Tips
Cord Project #12: 18” Knotted Necklace on Bead Cord, w/Bead Tips
Cord Project #13: Floating-Design Knotted Necklace on Bead Cord, w/Bead Tips
Floating Design Knotted Necklace     
Week 8, 4/4/24, Craft Wire Project #14: Wire-Wrapped Necklace or Bracelet
Craft Wire Project #22: Necklace of beads & chain connected with Wire Loops or Wire-Wrapping
Bead Caps, Chain, Metal Rings, Beads, Necklace

Week 9, 4/18/24, Macrame Project #440, Delicate Square Knot Macrame Bracelet with beads

Click here for Delicate Square Knot Macrame Bracelet handout.

Link to Zoom recording of 4/18/24 Beginner Jewelry class.

Materials Needed
4 yds. of Waxed Polyester Cord or Superlon Tex 210 or 400:
About (36) 4mm. beads with holes large enough to fit onto the cord OR Size 8 or size 6 seed beads
G-S Hypo Cement or cigarette lighter
Tools Needed
Chain-nose pliers (optional)
Cigarette lighter

Week 10, 4/25/24,  Chain Project #108, Chain Necklace w/Bead Dangles – single strand

Click here for Chain Necklace with Bead Dangles handout.

Link to Zoom recording of 4/25/24 Beginner Jewelry class.

Materials Needed
18” or more of chain
Clasp set
2” of larger link chain to make adjustable length (optional)
Asst. beads
Head pins
2 small, heavy jump rings (Susan’s #14 rings for example)
20-gauge wire (optional)
24-gauge wire (optional)
26-gauge wire (optional)
Tools Needed
Chain-nose pliers
Round nose pliers
Wire flush cutters
Nylon jaw pliers

Craft Wire Project #54: Wire Wrapping Top-Drilled Beads for Earrings

Top-drilled teardrops earrings

Week 11, 5/2/24,  Stretch Magic Project #107, Multi-Strand Stretch Magic Bracelet w/Large Beads at Intervals

Click here for Multi-Strand Stretch Magic Bracelet w/Large Beads at Intervals handout.

Link to Zoom recording of 5/2/24 Beginner Jewelry class.

Materials Needed
3 extra-large beads w/holes large enough for 4 strands of Stretch Magic (about ¾”, more or less)
Approx. 25” of asst. small to medium beads
56” of .7mm Stretch Magic
G-S Hypo Cement
Tools Needed
4 Bead Stopper Clips

Week 12, 5/9/24, Chain Maille Project #55: 3-in-3 Chain Maille Bracelet

 3-in-3 Chain Maille Bracelet

Due to a technical error, this week's class was not recorded. Sorry!
Chain Maille Project #64, Byzantine Weave Chain Maille Bracelet
 Byzantine Chain Maille Bracelet
Materials Needed for Approx. 8” Bracelet:
Approx. 170, 18-gauge jump rings with 3.5mm. inner dimension (Susan’s #36 rings)
1 Toggle clasp set
Tools Needed:
2 pairs of smooth-jawed pliers (chain-nose, flat-nose or bent-nose)

Week 13, 5/16/24, Bead Weaving Project #371, Loom-Woven Seed Bead Bracelet or Choker with Braided/Macrame Slide Closure

Click here for Loom-Woven Seed Bead Bracelet w/Macrame Slide Closure handout.

Link to Zoom recording of 5/16/24 Beginner Jewelry Class.

Materials Needed
Superlon Tex 210 Cord, 15 ft. for a bracelet or 20 ft. for a choker
Superlon, size D thread for a bracelet, 4 yds. for a bracelet or 8 yds. for a choker
Size 8 seed beads, 250 for a bracelet, 350 for a choker
G-S Hypo Cement
Tools Needed
Bead Loom
# 10 beading needle
Chain Nose pliers
Bead Stopper Clip
Cigarette Lighter or thread burner

Week 14, 5/23/24, Cord Project #160,  Wrapped Cord Leather Bracelet with 2 different endings (wire clasp or button clasp)


Click here for Wrapped Cord Leather Bracelet handout.

Link to Zoom recording of 5/23/24 Beginner Jewelry class.
Materials Needed for 7” bracelet
20” to 21” of 2mm. round leather cord
46” of #18 Superlon Nylon Cord
About 14 -8mm. beads, with holes large enough for the Superlon to fit through (.5mm or larger)
2 or 3 -2 to 4mm. beads with Superlon-size holes
3” 18-gauge craft wire OR ½” button with shank
G-S Hypo Cement
Tools Needed
Large paper clip
Knotting tweezers
If making Wire Clasp:
               Round-nose pliers
               Chain nose pliers
               Wire side cutters
               Steel bench block or anvil
               Flat head chasing hammer

Week 15, 5/30/24, Nylon-Covered Wire Project #7, Multi-Level, 3-Strand Necklace

Click here for Multi-Level Nylon-Covered Wire Necklace handout.

Link to Zoom recording of 5/30/24 Beginner Jewelry class.
Materials Needed
(4) 2x2mm crimp tubes
(90’).015” Nylon-covered wire (aka Beading wire), 3 strands, 30” each
Asst. beads
Tiny beads
4 Large-hole beads
Clasp set
Tools Needed
Wire flush cutters
Medium (Standard) Crimping Pliers
Bead Stopper Clips

Week 16, 6/6/24, Cord Project #138, Necklace: Alternating Double Strand, Knotted Necklace on Leather or Cotton Cord

Alternating Knotted Strands Necklace
Materials Needed:
3 yds. of  ½ mm., 1mm., or 2mm. cord
Beads with holes large enough to fit one strand of cord
¾” button (with shank or holes)
Optional pendant or bead dangle made with head pin
Tools Needed:
Bead Stopper Clip
Bead Design Board
Knotting Tweezers (optional)

©2024 Susan Ryza       2/3/24